Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle

How we do it – The Method

“Strive for continuous improvement instead of perfection”
– Kim Collins

Working with startups and corporates since 2012 , we have developed a rolling action-feedback-loop which continuously improves our clients’ businesses. The rolling action-feedback-loop consists of 5 steps. As soon as the 5th is performed, we re-start with step 1. The 5 steps are as follows:

  1.  Analysis of the current state: In order to advise our clients, we need to understand their businesses first, in particular their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore we interview the stakeholders, perform customer surveys and review relevant written material.
  2. Goal Development: Based on the analysis we and our clients develop goals. These goals are measurable and feasible, so we have clear success criteria for the project team.
  3. What Who When: Based on our goals we decide on the “who does what and when”, form our booster team. It is crucial that our clients’ management and employees are part of the team, as we aim to lay the foundation for sustainable client success. For the “what” we have developed a toolkit from which we chose those tools, which suit the goals and current situation best. 
  4. Action: After we have decided on the “who does what and when”, we execute. We move fast, sometimes breaking things on the way, as speed is essential to get ideas off grounds and plateaus.
  5. Impetus in Orbit: Our “impetus in orbit” is based on Leonardo da Vinci’s idea of “impetus”. According to Leonardo da Vinci “impetus is a power of the mover applied in a movable thing which causes the movable thing to move after it is separated from its mover.“ BOOROCK’s mission is to be the rocket that boosts our clients’ ideas off the ground and off the plateau into the orbit, so it can continue its journey without the booster rocket’s support.